For the latest information from Handles Plus on the Gold Coast on door handle design, expert advice and more, have a read of our blogs! This space is regularly updated with design tips and trends, product information and new product releases, as well as interesting insights, that will help take your project to the next level.

Helpful Tips to Maintain your Door Furniture
October 15, 2018
Door furniture is a term used to describe any items attached to a door to enhance its functionality or aesthetics. This includes door handles, lock cases and any other relevant fixtures. Correct maintenance techniques depend very much on the base materials and finishes of your door furniture. Check the tension of fastenings If you have… Read more »

The Unexpected Benefits of a Door Stop
October 5, 2018
Even if you are extremely careful opening your doors, without door stops you risk doing severe damage to your doors. All it takes is a strong gust of wind or a little too much exertion and your door handle can put a huge dent in your wall or door. While a door stop’s primary function… Read more »

How to Protect Your Home When You’re on Vacation
September 15, 2018
While planning a holiday is fun and exciting time, it does come with a lot of planning: organising flights, itineraries, pet-sitting and accommodation. While these things are all important, you need to ensure that your home is left safe and secure. To help you out, here are some simple tips to protect your home when… Read more »

5 Helpful Tips for Organising Your Kitchen Cabinets
September 5, 2018
Kitchen cabinets are one of the most used and chaotic cabinets in your home. It doesn’t take long for your cabinets to become chock a block with cutlery, crockery, utensils, bottles, jars and various kitchen gadgets. To help you better organise your kitchen cabinets, check out these five helpful tips. Invest in space saving containers… Read more »

Handy Tips to Find the Right Door Hinge
August 15, 2018
Contrary to popular belief, there are many kinds of door hinges. To help you understand the different types of door hinges and their uses, here is a list of the most common hinges and their possible applications: Ball Bearing Hinge This heavy-duty hinge is great for use on heavy doors. These hinges are permanently lubricated… Read more »

Simple Ways to Modernise Your Home
August 5, 2018
If you are redecorating or renovating, then there are lots of small, simple things you can do to give your home a makeover without spending a fortune. To help you out the team at Handles Plus have put together these simple tips. Fresh coat of paint Yes, it may seem like a cliché, a fresh… Read more »

Door lock maintenance tips
December 15, 2017
We use door locks every day, more than once or twice. But do we maintain it as much as we use it? Locks are mechanical hardware that needs maintenance just as much any other machine does. The average lock lasts about approximately seven years, but lack of proper maintenance might reduce this time. Here’s how… Read more »

Levers vs. doorknobs which should you choose
December 5, 2017
When you are making important decisions while renovating or building your home, you already have a lot on your plate without worrying about small door hardware! You need solid facts to make some quick but informed decisions, so here are a few factors about levers and doorknobs you should know before buying them: Door Knobs… Read more »

Different types of handles and locks
November 15, 2017
When it comes to building your dream house, every little detail need to be perfect. Before buying the hardware for your doors, you can use some information on different types of door handles, locks etc. There are many types of doors in a home, and they need different types of hardware depending on their variety…. Read more »